Students registered for dual credit courses this upcoming school year need to purchase their text books. Books can be purchased through the college book store or other distributor such as Amazon. Make sure the edition number and ISBN numbers match the ones listed below. This is the link to the Palo Alto Book Store.
English 3 DC students need to purchase:
Perspectives on Contemporary Issues
Edition: 8th
ISBN: 9781305969377
Author: Ackley
Publisher: Cengage Learning
English 4 DC students will use materials provided by the professor through their Canvas accounts and do not need to purchase materials at this time.
Government DC students need to purchase:
American Govt & Politics in New Millennium Textbook AND Workbook
Edition: 4th
ISBN: 9781890919092
Author: Sunshine
Publisher: Abigail Press
Dual Credit US History students will use materials provided by the teacher and do not need to purchase materials.