Srs 23

Senior Planning Guide

This Planning guide can be used to ensure seniors and parents stay on top of the final year of high school.

Monthly Punch List

sr 23 punchlist

Students are encouraged to complete the tasks in green font each moth. These completions will help them know they are on track for graduation. For a closer view or to print, click on the image above

Financial Aid


All students complete the Federal Application for Student Aid or a waiver as a graduation requirement. This document provides what information is needed to complete the application that opens in DECEMBER 2023.


scholarship web page

Click on the image above for direct access to the scholarship webpage. Local scholarships will be posted when they become available in the Spring.

get organized

These resources are used to help seniors create materials needed to fill out scholarship applications. Information will be reviewed on developing personal files and maintaining them after graduation.

Scholarship binder list

cover letter link

brag sheet

These resources are used with students in teaching them about financial aid. Copies of the worksheet and bifold pamphlet have been made available to seniors on campus. Parents can use these resources at home to complete the application if needed. Click on the images to open the resources.

FAFSA bifold

FAFSA Directions Slides

FAFSA worksheet


Click it Xello image

First time log in is school ID #

PW = Initials in caps followed by ID (no spaces)

TSI link

Do you need to take the TSI? Click the image for the TSI web page!

Have you joined the Senior's 2023 Google Classroom? You may be missing out on announcements and opportunities! Click the image to join.
