Overview of Special Education ( English )
Overview of Special Education (Spanish)
Delayed or Denied Evaluation Information (Spanish)
Updates on Special Education (Spanish)
Dyslexia Important Changes ( English )
Dyslexia Important Changes ( Spanish )
Significant Disproportionality
It is never too early or too late to explore a child’s educational opportunities. If you suspect a child of having a develop-mental delay or disability, school can open a window of hope for a brighter future for that child. Special services are available to eligible infants, children and young adults identified with a disability.
They may be experiencing difficulties in the following areas:
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Visual Impairment
Intellectual Disability
Physical Disability
Emotional Disturbance Traumatic Brain Injury
Learning Disability
Speech and/or Language Difficulties
Each child is unique and some have special needs, but ALL have the right to an education and the ability to learn. Learning experiences encourage intellectual, social and emotional growth. Children develop self-confidence and the ability to get along with others. Every child has the capacity to learn, to develop and to grow to his or her full potential.
Procedural Safeguards - English
Aviso Sobre Procedimientos de Proteccion (Procedural Safeguards - Spanish)
All school districts served by the Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative are committed to Reaching and Teaching All Children With Disabilities.
In order to serve the diverse needs of the student population, all districts within the Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative have developed special education programs and special services to address the instructional needs of its students:
*All school age children are guaranteed the right to a free and appropriate public education.
*All programs or services offered in the district are open to students with disabilities if the programs are deemed appropriate for those students.
*The Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative will arrange for an evaluation of any child who is suspected of needing special education and related services (IDEA).
*Special education students who are determined to be eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are provided individually planned programs designed to meet their needs.
*Each school district has a Section 504 plan for students whom a committee has determined that the student has, or has a record of having, or is regarded as having a
physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, are provided individually planned programs designed to meet their needs.
Should you have or know of a school age child who needs services under special education services or under Section 504, please contact the school district in which the student resides or contact the office of the Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative located at 1080 Bluebonnet Drive in Pleasanton, Texas or by phone at (830)569-1355 for information or assistance.
If you are a former student, or a parent of a former student, who last received special education services during the 2011-2012 school year and attended any one of the school districts served by the Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative (Pleasanton ISD, Poteet ISD, Jourdanton ISD, Charlotte ISD, McMullen Co. ISD), you are entitled to receive a copy of your or your child’s records maintained by the school district and the Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative.
Federal law requires a district to maintain these records for a period of least five (5) years beyond the last date of enrollment in special education. Therefore, records maintained by the special education department for students last enrolled in special education during the 2011-2012 school year are scheduled for destruction. If you anticipate a need for services through any Texas or U.S. agency, such as Social Security, Texas Rehabilitation Commission, or the Texas Department of Mental Health/Mental Retardation, your special education records could be of some assistance. If you would like to obtain a copy of these records, please contact Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative at 1080 Bluebonnet in Pleasanton, or send a written request to 831 Stadium Drive, Pleasanton,TX 78064, or call the cooperative office at (830) 569-1355 no later than March 2, 2018.
Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative, which is composed of the following school districts: Pleasanton ISD, Poteet ISD, Jourdanton ISD, Charlotte ISD, and McMullen Co. ISD, complies with all state and federal regulations pertaining to the confidentiality of personally identifiable information contained in records of students with disabilities that are maintained by the school district. Confidentiality procedures are available for review at the Atascosa-McMullen Cooperative , 1080 Bluebonnet Drive, Pleasanton, Texas 78064. Parents have the right to file complaints concerning alleged failures to comply with confidentiality requirements.
La Cooperativa Atascosa-McMullen, que incluye los distritos escolares que siguen: Pleasanton ISD, Poteet ISD, Jourdanton ISD, Charlotte ISD, and McMullen Co. ISD, cumple con las leyes y regulaciones federales y estatales que se tratan de la confianza de informacion personal que contienen los archivos de los alumnos identificandos con alguna(s) desventajas(s). Estos archivos que mantiene los distritos, estan a su disposicion en La Cooperativa Atascosa-McMullen, 1080 Bluebonnet Drive, Pleasanton 78064. Los padres de estos alumnos tienen derecho de hacer guejas o demandeas si piensan que el distrito falla en cumpir con esto requisitos de confianza.
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org