What is a School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)?

In 2005, the 79th legislature passed SB42. This comprehensive school health education package focused on a number of significant issues; one of which was the establishment of a state-level school health advisory council at the Department of State Health Services (DSHS).

A SHAC is a group of individuals representing segments of the community, appointed by the school district to serve at the district level, to provide advice to the district on coordinated school health programming and its impact on student health and learning. SHACs provide an efficient, effective structure for creating and implementing age-appropriate, sequential healthy educational programs, and early intervention and prevention strategies that can easily be supported by local families and community members. Addressing the health needs of students through the work of SHAC, helps meet district performance goals. SHACs play an important role in communicating the connection between health and learning to school administrators, parents and community members. SHACs can also help parents and community members reinforce the health knowledge and skills children need to be healthy for a lifetime.

The 2016-2017 School Health Advisory Council worked to create the Wellness Policy adopted by the School Board. A wellness plan was also developed.



2024-2025 School Year

2023-2024 School Year

2022-2023 School Year


There is an increasing number of students gaining access to Vapes, e-cigarettes, Hookah Pens, and JUUL type products.  Despite these products being prohibited for minors to buy, they are accessing them and widely using them. There are severe dangers associated with using these products for young people related to their brain development.  Young people have an increased tendency to become addicted and have a physically harder time breaking a nicotine habit because of how nicotine affects young, developing brains.  Please use the provided resources below to become more familiar with this frightening trend.  If you are concerned about your student and the problems associated with these devices, please discuss this with them and be proactive about preventing its use and finding treatment if needed.


 Addicted to vaping:

Maslow's Hierarchy and Coordinated School Health